Matthew Valentine

Matt is an individual who has always enjoyed helping others, either by helping them achieve their own personal goals, or by creating a winning team. Matt grew up in the swimming pool, where the individual talents of many helped the team win. Each new adventure in business has created more opportunities to help others succeed.

Matt enjoys watching plans and projects develop and come to life. For over a decade, the best part of owning a Cast Stone Company was just that: watching plans on paper take on a life of their own as the project developed. He now finds joy in creating custom wealth strategies to help his clients achieve their goals and build an infinite wealth strategy.

After the passing of his beloved wife Heather in 2015, Matt has been blessed to marry another sweetheart, Annie, and loves being the father of a blended family of seven children. Outside work, you can find him close to water, on the beach or below the water’s surface scuba diving.